Vineet Gupta Jamboree Education Founder: How Phygital Learning & Gamification Will Enhance Education

“Phygital learning” describes the integration of physical and digital components into learning. Technology can enhance the conventional learning experience, making it more engaging and participative for students. In contrast, gamification involves applying game design to situations that aren’t related to games. In education, it entails integrating game-like components like points, tags, and boards to motivate and engage students. “Phygital learning combines the advantages of traditional classroom education with the practicality and adaptability of digital learning to provide students the opportunity to learn in an immersive and engaging manner. By giving students a sense of achievement and progress as they strive for goals, gamification can aid in making learning more enjoyable and motivational,” explains Vineet Gupta Jamboree Education MD and Cofounder.

By giving students a dynamic and tailored learning experience, phygital learning and gamification may work together to improve education and make it more engaging and effective. It has the potential to transform teaching and increase engagement.

These ideas can be explored more efficiently in certain ways.

The use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technology in the classroom gives students a sense of presence in virtual or augmented environments. Students can use VR headsets to simulate experiments, explore historical sites, or visit virtual museums. By projecting digital data over reality, AR allows learners to see how theories and ideas relate to the real world.

With interactive online learning platforms, videos, quizzes, and games, education may become more accessible and practical. Students can enhance their knowledge by participating in online discussions, completing virtual exercises, or working on interactive exercises.

Gamification components such as badges, points, and leaderboards may make mobile learning apps more engaging and stimulating for students. This technology can be used to create customized and adaptable educational experiences by monitoring students’ performance and adjusting the content and difficulty level as necessary.

Creating physical learning spaces that combine physical and digital aspects can make learning fun. By using trackpads, smart boards, and other digital technology in the classroom, students can collaborate and participate more actively.

Web 3.0 and Metaverse are being hailed as the next major developments in phygital learning. Vineet Gupta Jamboree Education founder, says, “We intend to incorporate these technologies into our curriculum to improve the student experience and prepare them for the future. There is a lack of curriculum development in the country related to such cutting-edge innovations; therefore, new graduates entering the workforce have rudimentary knowledge.”

“Education might be transformed through advanced tech processes which involve interactive and tailored methods. We can design teachable moments that are more compelling and motivational for students while also better equipping them by utilizing technology to tackle the problems of the 21st century. We need to update our educational framework and training to provide them with a skill set consistent with industry demands,” asserts Vineet Gupta Jamboree Education Founder.

The phygital paradigm combines in-person instruction with virtual learning courses on a weekly or biweekly basis. It would be an important turning point in Indian education if the government established a digital higher education system that served all students nationwide and offered personalized education straight to their doorsteps. It is possible to double India’s gross enrollment ratio in higher education by combining digital and traditional methods.

“The adjustment to learning online, maintaining motivation to finish courses, and completing examinations and assignments are all simplified for students through phygital education. Additionally, phygital education aids educators in retaining students’ attention, identifying relevant behavior trends, and adjusting their curriculum accordingly. There is a natural hype surrounding such breakthroughs. Still, it will take a while for our eco-system to adapt and ride the technology boom,” highlights Vineet Gupta Jamboree Education Cofounder.

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